The Best of MacTutor - S…e Code for Volumes 1 to 5
The Best of MacTutor - Source Code for Volume 1-5 (Wayzata Technology)(6031)(1990).bin
Source Code
#40 (Jan 89)
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Assembly Source File
1,363 lines
;FileName: DoHelp.Asm
;(C) 1988 by John Holder
;What it does:
;A generic Help routine:
;Allows user to click in a list of names (these names are
;actually the names of 'help' resources), and show the data
;contained in this resource (ACSII text), in a scrollable
;window. Nothing about the dialog (other than its id#) is
;known, so the dialog can be modified without changing this
;code. To make topics for your help routine, just create
;NAMED resources of type 'help' (lowercase) in your
;application starting at id#1 and making each id# one more
;than the last one. To create the appearance of subtopics
;just add a few spaces to the beginning of the names of
;the appropriate 'help' resources.
;To use this in your application, just make sure you:
;XREF DoHelp
;at the beginning of your source code and you call it by
;doing a:
; BSR DoHelp
;in the appropriate place in your code
Include Traps.D ; Traps
Include ToolEqu.D ; ToolBox equates
Include SysEqu.D ; System equates
Include FSEqu.D ; File equates
Include PackMacs.Txt ; PACKage mgr equates
Include QuickEqu.D ; QDraw equates
MACRO SaveRegs =
MOVEM.L A0-A4/D0-D7,-(SP)
MACRO RestoreRegs =
MOVEM.L (SP)+,A0-A4/D0-D7
true equ $0100
false equ 0
nil equ 0
arraycolumns equ 1
arrayrows equ 0
celldepth equ 16 ;depth of Cells in List
modify EQU 14 ;State of keys and button
message equ 2 ;Message returned in EventRecord
DialogID equ 2000 ;res id# of DLOG resource
XDEF DoHelp ;Define function DoHelp for Linker
; <<<< The beginning of the DoHelp routine >>>>
CLR.L -(SP) ;space for ptr
move.w #DialogID,-(sp)
CLR.L -(SP) ;wstorage
MOVE.L #-1,-(SP)
MOVE.L (SP),DialogPtr(A5) ;save ptr
;set up stack for my routine
move.l DialogPtr(A5),-(sp)
move #1,-(sp)
bsr HilightDialogButton
;Set up list of all 'help' resources
bsr SetUpHelpList
pea DialogsFilter ;use filter to watch
pea ItemNumber(A5) ;for List mgr events
;which item was clicked
cmp.w #1,ItemNumber(A5)
beq Quit_Help ;click in 'Done..' but
bra Dialog_Loop ;loop until done
;all done, lets get outta here!
;dispose of the List handle
move.l ListHandle(A5),-(sp)
;kill the dialog
move.l DialogPtr(A5),-(sp)
;return to calling application!
;<< Dialog Filter to watch for list selections in User Item >>
;this routine expects parameters to be on the stack (handled
;by _ModalDialog)
;DialogsFilter (thedialog:dialogptr;VAR theEvent:EventRecord
; VAR itemhit:integer): boolean
Parambytes SET 12
tItemHit SET 8 ;a ptr to an int!
tEvent SET 12 ;event rec
tDialog SET 16 ;dialog ptr
result SET 20 ;result returned
iPoint SET -4 ;mouse point
itype SET -6 ;item type
iHdl SET -10 ;item hand
iBox SET -18 ;item rect
localbytes SET -18
link A6,#localbytes
;get User Item info (rect)
move.l tDialog(A6),-(sp)
move #2,-(sp)
pea iType(A6)
pea iHdl(A6)
pea iBox(A6)
move.l tevent(A6),A0
move evtnum(A0),D0
cmp #KeyDwnEvt,D0 ;was it a key down?
beq CheckForEnterorReturn ;yep!
move.l tevent(A6),A0
move evtnum(A0),D0
cmp #mButDwnEvt,D0 ;was it a mouse down?
bne LetDialogHandleIt ;if not, let
;was it a mouse click in the List Box (User Item)?
lea evtMouse(A0),A0
lea iPoint(A6),A1
move.l (A0)+,(A1)+
pea iPoint(A6)
clr -(sp)
move.l iPoint(A6),-(sp)
pea iBox(A6)
move (sp)+,D0
beq LetDialogHandleIt ;not in user item
bsr HandleListEvent ;handle list event!
;we've taken care of the event
move.l tItemHit(A6),A0
move #nil,(A0) ;set itemhit to nil
move #true,result(A6) ;stop _ModalDialog
bra FilterExit ;from handling!
move #nil,result(A6)
;restore stack to the way it was before
;and return
unlk A6
move.l (sp)+,A0
adda #parambytes,SP
jmp (A0) ;rts
; <<<< Check for Return or Enter key press >>>>
;if the Enter or Return key was pushed, set the itemhit to #1
;and set result to false so it will be handled by _ModalDialog
move.l tevent(A6),A0
move.l message(A0),D0
cmp.b #$0d,D0 ;return key?
beq SetResult ;yep!
cmp.b #$03,D0 ;Enter key?
beq SetResult ;yep!
bra LetDialogHandleIt ;neither key
move.l tItemHit(A6),A0
move #1,(A0) ;set itemhit to 1
move #true,result(A6) ;let _ModalDialog
;handle it
bra FilterExit
; <<<< Click in List box! >>>>
;handle a click in the list box area
;_LClick will handle scrolling & selection of list
pea iPoint(A6)
clr -(sp)
move.l iPoint(A6),-(sp)
move tEvent+Modify(A6),-(sp)
move.l listhandle(A5),-(sp)
move (sp)+,D0
clr.l TheCell(A5) ;start at cell 0,0
;for _LGetSelect
clr -(sp)
move #true,-(sp)
pea TheCell(A5)
move.l listhandle(A5),-(sp)
move (sp)+,D0
beq Click_Not_In_Cell ;no cell selected
;unselect the selected cell
move #false,-(sp)
move.l TheCell(A5),-(sp)
move.l listhandle(A5),-(sp)
;de-activate the list
move #false,-(sp)
move.l listhandle(A5),-(sp)
bsr Erase_Rect ;clear topic list
bsr Set_To_DoneViewing ;change button name
bsr GetandSetWatch ;show watch cursor
bsr Do_Help_View ;show text from
;'help' res
;re-activate the list
move #true,-(sp)
move.l listhandle(A5),-(sp)
; <<<< Show the user selected help text >>>>
;open the named resource and view its contents
;Use all of rect except enough room for scroll bar
;for text window
bsr Get_Rect_Of_Item
lea DispRect(A5),A2
sub #16,Right(A2)
;create new Text edit record
clr.l -(sp)
pea DispRect(A5)
pea DispRect(A5)
move.l (sp)+,TextHand(A5) ;store handle
;set TE rec. text to 9 point Monaco
move.l TextHand(A5),A1
move.l (A1),A1
move #9,teSize(A1) ;Text Size!
move.l TextHand(A5),A1
move.l (A1),A1
move #Monaco,teFont(A1) ;Text Font!
bsr Frame_The_Rect
bsr Get_Rect_Of_Item
;figure rectangle for scroll bar!
lea DispRect(A5),A2
move Right(A2),D2
sub #15,D2 ;scroll bar width
move D2,Left(A2) ;left = right - 15
add #1,Right(A2) ;right = right + 1
;we de because the
;text rect is 1
;pixel inside the
;User Item's rect
pea DispRect(A5) ;expand top & bottom
move #0,-(sp) ;of rect by 1 pixel
move #-1,-(sp)
;create scroll bar!
clr.l -(sp)
move.l DialogPtr(A5),-(sp)
pea DispRect(A5) ;scrolls rect
move.l #nil,-(sp)
move #true,-(sp) ;visible
move #0,-(sp) ;init value
move #0,-(sp) ;min value
move #0,-(sp) ;max value(start at 0)
move #16,-(sp) ;proc id (16=scroll)
clr.l -(sp) ;refCon
move.l (sp)+,ScrollHand(A5) ;save handle
move #255,DataLength(A5) ;max length of
;data allowed
;Get the selected cells data
lea AString(A5),A0 ;pt to byte after
add.l #1,A0 ;length byte
move.l A0,-(sp) ;put ptr on stack
pea DataLength(A5) ;data length var
move.l TheCell(A5),-(sp)
move.l ListHandle(A5),-(sp)
;add length of data to String ptr
lea ASTring(A5),A0
move DataLength(A5),D0
move.b D0,(A0)
;get the res. & load it
clr.l -(sp)
move.l #'help',-(sp)
pea AString(A5)
move.l (sp),ResHand(A5)
;just to make sure the resource exists!
move.l ResHand(A5),A0
cmp.l #nil,A0 ;does res. exist?
bne A_Ok ;yep,it's there, go on
bsr DumpStuff ;no such resource!
rts ;return
move.l ResHand(A5),A0 ;lock handle
;size of handle (text data)
move.l ResHand(A5),A0
move.l D0,D2 ;D2 = length of text data
;set up Text Edit Record to use 'help' data
move.l ResHand(A5),A0 ;need text ptr
move.l (A0),-(sp) ;convert handle
move.l D2,-(sp) ;text length
move.l TextHand(A5),-(sp)
move.l ResHand(A5),A0 ;unlock handle
;see how many lines of text are in the
;'help' data
move.l TextHand(A5),A1
move.l (A1),A1
move tenLines(A1),d3 ;D3= lines of text!
;see how many lines fit into rect of user
;item of dialog box
bsr Calc_Lines_In_One_Windowful
move LinesInWind(A5),D1
sub D1,D3 ;sub enough for a
cmp #nil,D3 ;window full!
ble Wont_Pass_Bottom ;not enough lines
;to adda scroll bar
;set the scroll bars max value by the # of lines
move.l ScrollHand(A5),-(sp)
move D3,-(sp) ;# of lines
;update the text
pea DispRect(A5)
move.l TextHand(A5),-(sp)
;go watch for text events
bsr HandleTextEditDialogEvent
rts ;done with the text, return
;<<<< Handle events in Dialog box (with text scrolling)! >>>>
pea CheckTextScroll ;filter to watch
pea ItemNumber(A5) ;for text scrolling
;check which buttons are clicked here
cmp.w #1,ItemNumber(A5)
beq Done_With_This ;done viewing text
;if ItemNumber(A5) = 2, that means the user
;clicked in the content of the text of the dialog
;which is handled the same as clicked the
;'Done Viewing' button
cmp.w #2,ItemNumber(A5)
beq Done_With_This ;done viewing text
bra D_Loop ;keep looping
; <<<< Finished here with text view >>>>
bsr DumpStuff
; <<<< Dump TE rec. & scroll bar >>>>
;dispose of text edit record
move.l TextHand(A5),-(sp)
;dispose of Scroll bar
move.l ScrollHand(A5),-(sp)
bsr Erase_Rect ;erase the rect
;reset text font & size to System values
move #12,-(sp) ;12 point
move #0,-(sp) ;Use System Font
;re-show the list by causing list update
MOVE.L DialogPtr(A5),A1
move.l 24(A1),-(sp)
move.l ListHandle(A5),-(sp)
bsr Frame_The_Rect ;re-frame list rect
bsr Set_To_DoneWithHelp
; <<<< Dialog Filter to watch for text scrolling >>>>
;this routine expects parameters to be on the stack (set up
;by _ModalDialog)
;CheckTextScroll (thedialog:dialogptr;VAR theEvent:EventRecord
; VAR itemhit:integer): boolean
Parambytes SET 12
tItemHit SET 8 ;a ptr to an int!
tEvent SET 12 ;event rec
tDialog SET 16 ;dialog ptr
result SET 20 ;result returned
iPoint SET -4 ;mouse point
itype SET -6 ;item type
iHdl SET -10 ;item hand
iBox SET -18 ;item rect
PartCode set -20 ;used for scroll
localbytes SET -20
link A6,#localbytes
move.l tDialog(A6),-(sp)
move #2,-(sp)
pea iType(A6)
pea iHdl(A6)
pea iBox(A6)
;only rect in user item will be scroll bar that
;this dialog filter handles
lea iBox(A6),A2
move Right(A2),D2
sub #16,D2 ;scroll bar width
move D2,Left(A2) ;left = right - 16
move.l tevent(A6),A0
move evtnum(A0),D0
cmp #KeyDwnEvt,D0 ;was it a key down?
beq CheckForEnterorReturn2 ;yep!
move.l tevent(A6),A0
move evtnum(A0),D0
cmp #mButDwnEvt,D0 ;was it a mouse down?
bne LetDialogHandleIt2 ;if not, let
;change mouse pt into local coordinates
lea evtMouse(A0),A0
lea iPoint(A6),A1
move.l (A0)+,(A1)+
pea iPoint(A6)
;was it a mouse click in the Text Box scroll
;bar (User Item)?
clr -(sp)
move.l iPoint(A6),-(sp)
pea iBox(A6)
move (sp)+,D0
beq LetDialogHandleIt2 ;not in scroll,
;let dialog handle
bsr HandleScroll ;go handle text
;scroll event!
;we've taken care of the event
move.l tItemHit(A6),A0
move #nil,(A0) ;set itemhit to nil
move #true,result(A6) ;set result to true,
bra FilterExit2 ;stop _ModalDialog
;from handling
move #nil,result(A6) ;set to nil, let
;_ModalDialog handle
;get out of the routine here!
unlk A6
move.l (sp)+,A0
adda #parambytes,SP
jmp (A0) ;rts
; <<<< Check for Return or Enter key press >>>>
;if the Enter or Return key was pushed set the itemhit to #1
;and set result to false so it will be handled!
move.l tevent(A6),A0
move.l message(A0),D0
cmp.b #$0d,D0 ;return key?
beq SetResult2 ;yep!
cmp.b #$03,D0 ;Enter key?
beq SetResult2 ;yep!
bra LetDialogHandleIt2 ;neither key
move.l tItemHit(A6),A0
move #1,(A0) ;set itemhit to 1
move #true,result(A6) ;let modaldialog
bra FilterExit2 ;handle it
; <<<< ALL text scrolling routines >>>>
; <<<< Click in Text Scroll bar >>>>
pea iPoint(A6)
clr -(sp)
move.l iPoint(A6),-(sp)
move.l DialogPtr(A5),-(sp)
pea WhichControl(A5)
move (sp)+,PartCode(A6)
beq ScrollDone ;not in any control
;was click in the scroll bar?
;compare value returned by _FindControl & the
;scrolls handle we have stored, if they are
;equal then do the scroll routines
move.l ScrollHand(A5),D0
move.l WhichControl(A5),D1
cmp.l D0,D1
beq Click_In_Scroll
bra ScrollDone ;click not in scroll
;which part of scroll?
cmp #inUpButton,PartCode(A6)
beq DoUpSCroll
cmp #inDownButton,PartCode(A6)
beq DoDownSCroll
cmp #inPageUp,PartCode(A6)
beq DoPageUpSCroll
cmp #inPageDown,PartCode(A6)
beq DoPageDownSCroll
cmp #inThumb,PartCode(A6)
beq DoThumb
bra ScrollDone
;handle different parts of scroll
clr -(sp)
move.l WhichControl(A5),-(sp)
move.l iPoint(A6),-(sp)
pea UpActionProc
move (sp)+,D0
bra ScrollDone
clr -(sp)
move.l WhichControl(A5),-(sp)
move.l iPoint(A6),-(sp)
pea DownActionProc
move (sp)+,D0
bra ScrollDone
clr -(sp)
move.l WhichControl(A5),-(sp)
move.l iPoint(A6),-(sp)
pea PageUpActionProc
move (sp)+,D0
bra ScrollDone
clr -(sp)
move.l WhichControl(A5),-(sp)
move.l iPoint(A6),-(sp)
pea PageDownActionProc
move (sp)+,D0
bra ScrollDone
;handle click in thumb of control
clr -(sp)
move.l WhichControl(A5),-(sp)
move (sp)+,D4 ;D4 = old control value
clr -(sp)
move.l WhichControl(A5),-(sp)
move.l iPoint(A6),-(sp)
clr.l -(sp)
move (sp)+,D0
clr -(sp)
move.l WhichControl(A5),-(sp)
move (sp)+,D3 ;D3 = new cntl value
sub D3,D4 ;D4-D3=new view value
move D4,D6
bsr Scroll_The_Text ;scroll text selected
bra ScrollDone
;return from HandleScroll
; <<<< Handle Up Scroll arrow >>>>
;offsets into A6 stack
thecontrol set 10
pcode set 8
parambytes set 6
link A6,#0
tst pcode(A6)
beq UpActionDone
clr -(sp)
move.l WhichControl(A5),-(sp)
move (sp)+,D1
beq UpActionDone ;do nothing if control
;value is already 0
sub #1,D1 ;sub 1 from scroll val
move.l WhichControl(A5),-(sp)
move D1,-(sp)
_SetCtlValue ;set to new value
move #1,D6 ;d6 = how many lines
bsr Scroll_The_Text ;to scroll!
unlk A6
move.l (sp)+,A1
adda.w #parambytes,SP
jmp (a1) ;rts
; <<<< Handle Down Scroll arrow >>>>
;offsets into A6 stack
thecontrol set 10
pcode set 8
parambytes set 6
link A6,#0
tst pcode(A6)
beq DownActionDone
clr -(sp)
move.l WhichControl(A5),-(sp)
move (sp)+,D2
add #1,D2 ;add 1 to scroll val
clr -(sp)
move.l WhichControl(A5),-(sp)
move (sp)+,D1
;don't scroll past controls max setting!
cmp D1,D2
bgt DownActionDone
move.l WhichControl(A5),-(sp)
move D2,-(sp)
move #-1,D6 ;d6 = how many lines
bsr Scroll_The_Text ;to scroll!
unlk A6
move.l (sp)+,A1
adda.w #parambytes,SP
jmp (a1) ;rts
; <<<< Handle PageUp Scroll arrow >>>>
;offsets into A6 stack
thecontrol set 10
pcode set 8
parambytes set 6
link A6,#0
tst pcode(A6)
beq PageUpActionDone
clr -(sp)
move.l WhichControl(A5),-(sp)
move (sp)+,D1
move LinesInWind(A5),D0
sub #1,D0
sub D0,D1
move D0,D6 ;d6 = how many lines
;to scroll!
;are we going to go before 1st line?
;if so, figure how many lines from current position
;until 0 (zero) and use that # to scroll text!
cmp #nil,D1
bge Not_Past_Begin2
add D1,D6 ;set to proper value
;for scroll
move #nil,D1 ;to set ctrl
move.l WhichControl(A5),-(sp)
move D1,-(sp)
bsr Scroll_The_Text
unlk A6
move.l (sp)+,A1
adda.w #parambytes,SP
jmp (a1) ;rts
; <<<< Handle PageDown Scroll arrow >>>>
;offsets into A6 stack
thecontrol set 10
pcode set 8
parambytes set 6
link A6,#0
tst pcode(A6)
beq PageDownActionDone
clr -(sp)
move.l WhichControl(A5),-(sp)
move (sp)+,D7
move D7,D2
move LinesInWind(A5),D0
sub #1,D0
add D0,D2
neg D0
move D0,D6 ;d6 = how many lines
;to scroll!
;are we going to go after last line?
;if so, figure how many lines from current position
;until last line and use that # to scroll text
clr -(sp)
move.l WhichControl(A5),-(sp)
move (sp)+,D3 ;to set ctrl
cmp D3,D2
ble Not_Past_End
sub D3,D7 ;set to proper value
move D7,D6 ;for scroll
move D3,D2 ;to set ctrl
move.l WhichControl(A5),-(sp)
move D2,-(sp)
bsr Scroll_The_Text
unlk A6
move.l (sp)+,A1
adda.w #parambytes,SP
jmp (a1) ;rts
; <<<< Do the actual text scrolling >>>>
;d6 has how many lines and which direction to scroll
;(depending on whether the value is pos. or neg.)
;use teLineHite to figure how many pixels to scroll
;by multiplying it with the amount of lines
clr.l D2
move.l TextHand(A5),A2
move.l (A2),A2
move teLineHite(A2),D2
muls D6,D2
move #nil,-(sp) ;no horiz. scroll
move D2,-(sp) ;vert. scroll
move.l TextHand(A5),-(sp)
; <<<< END of all text scrolling routines >>>>
; <<<< How many text lines can fit in user item rect >>>>
bsr Get_Rect_Of_Item
clr.l D4
lea DispRect(A5),A2
move Top(A2),D3
move Bottom(A2),D4
sub D3,D4 ;Top-Bottom = how many
;pixels in text view box
;D4= heighth (in pixels)
;of help window
clr.l D5
move.l TextHand(A5),A2
move.l (A2),A2
move teLineHite(A2),D5 ;rect heighth
divu D5,D4 ;divided by the
;heighth of one
;line of text =
;how many lines
;can fit!
;D4 now = how many lines of text can fit into one
;screen of the user item of the dialog box!
move D4,LinesInWind(A5)
; <<<< Erase inside of user item rect of dialog >>>>
;erase entire user item rectangle
bsr Get_Rect_Of_Item
pea DispRect(A5)
; <<<< Get user item rect of dialog >>>>
;Get info from User Item #2
move.l DialogPtr(A5),-(SP)
move #2,-(sp)
pea ItemType(A5)
pea ItemHandle(A5)
pea DispRect(A5)
; <<<< Change button to say 'Done Viewing' >>>>
bsr Get_Button_Handle
move.l ItemHandle(A5),-(sp)
pea DoneViewing
; <<<< Change button to say 'Done with Help' >>>>
bsr Get_Button_Handle
move.l ItemHandle(A5),-(sp)
pea DoneString
; <<<< Get handle of button in dialog >>>>
;Get the buttons handle (for changing the buttons
move.l DialogPtr(A5),-(SP)
move #1,-(sp)
pea ItemType(A5)
pea ItemHandle(A5)
pea DispRect(A5)
; <<<< Get watch CURSor and display it >>>>
clr.l -(sp)
move #watchcursor,-(sp)
move.l (sp)+,A0
move.l (A0),-(sp)
; <<<< Frame the user item rect of dialog >>>>
;frame the outside of the user items rectangle
bsr Get_Rect_Of_Item
pea DispRect(A5) ;Inset rect by 1
move #-1,-(sp) ;outward
move #-1,-(sp)
pea DispRect(A5)
; <<<< Hilight A Dialog Button >>>>
;this routine expects parameters to be on the stack
;PROCEDURE HilightDialogButton (WPtr: Ptr; WhichItem: Int)
;Will hilight a button in a dialog box
WindPt SET 10
WhichItem SET 8
parambytes SET 6
;local variables
TheType SET -4 ;Vars for _GetDItem
TheHandle SET -8 ;handle
TheRect SET -16 ;item rect
localbytes SET -16 ;for link
link A6,#localbytes
move.l WindPt(A6),-(SP)
move.l WindPt(A6),-(SP)
move WhichItem(A6),-(sp)
pea TheType(A6)
pea TheHandle(A6)
pea TheRect(A6)
move #3,-(sp)
move #3,-(sp)
pea TheRect(A6)
move #-4,-(sp)
move #-4,-(sp)
pea TheRect(A6)
move #16,-(sp)
move #16,-(sp)
move #1,-(sp)
move #1,-(sp)
unlk A6
move.l (sp)+,A0
adda #parambytes,SP
jmp (A0) ;rts
; <<<< Set up the dialog box with the help info >>>>
bsr Calc_Cell_Width
bsr Get_Rect_Of_Item
;must allow room for the lists scroll bar on the right
;side so subtract 15 from the rects right side!
lea DispRect(A5),A1
sub #15,right(A1)
;set up the arrayrect (for the cells rows and columns)
;for the List Mgr
lea arrayrect(A5),a0
move.l #0,(A0)+
move #arrayRows,(A0)+
move #arraycolumns,(A0)+
move #celldepth,D0
swap D0
move cellWidth(A5),D0
;create a new List
clr.l -(sp)
pea DispRect(A5) ;list rect!
pea arrayrect(A5)
move.l D0,-(sp) ;cell size
move #0,-(sp) ;res id of proc.
move.l DialogPtr(A5),-(sp) ;window ptr
move.w #false,-(sp) ;draw it?
move #false,-(sp) ;has grow?
move #false,-(sp) ;horiz scroll?
move #true,-(sp) ;vert scroll?
move.l (sp)+,ListHandle(A5)
;set selflags to allow only one selection at a time!
move.l ListHandle(A5),A0
move.l (A0),A0
move.b #128,selFlags(A0)
;put all the 'help' names (topics) into the list
bsr AddHelpNamesToList
; <<<< Calculate cell width for list manager >>>>
bsr Get_Rect_Of_Item
move DispRect+right(A5),D2
move DispRect+left(A5),D3
sub D3,D2
sub #16,D2 ;allow for scroll
move D2,cellwidth(A5) ;return value
; <<<< Add 'help' resource names to List >>>>
;this is a routine to add all 'help' resource names
;to a list
clr -(sp)
move.l #'help',-(sp)
move (sp)+,D4 ;how many there are
move D4,D7
beq None_Here ;if no 'help' res's
;here, quit!
sub #1,D4 ;sub 1 for looping
;(the DBRA later)
move #false,-(sp) ;set drawing off
move.l ListHandle(A5),-(sp)
move.l #nil,TheCell(A5) ;start with zero cell
;set ResLoad off (so resources are not
;automatically read into memory)
move #false,-(sp)
clr.l -(sp)
move.l #'help',-(sp)
move D7,-(sp) ;res. id #
move.l (sp),A4 ;leave handle on stack
;for next routine
;get the resources name
pea ResId(A5)
pea ResType(A5)
pea ResName(A5)
lea ResName(A5),A3
clr.l D3
move.b (A3)+,D3 ;how many chars in
;name for later
sub #1,D7 ;decrement index #
;D7 = the res id#
;d3 = how many characters in string,
;A3 = ptr to string data
;add a new row
clr -(sp)
move #1,-(sp)
move #0,-(sp)
move.l ListHandle(A5),-(sp)
move (sp)+,D0
;set the cells data to the resources name
move.l A3,-(sp) ;points to name
move D3,-(sp) ;how many chars?
move.l TheCell(A5),-(sp)
move.l ListHandle(A5),-(sp)
dbra D4,AddhelpLoop ;loop until D4 = 0
;set ResLoad back on
move #true,-(sp)
move #true,-(sp) ;turn drawing on
move.l ListHandle(A5),-(sp)
;update the list to show it
MOVE.L DialogPtr(A5),A1
move.l 24(A1),-(sp)
move.l ListHandle(A5),-(sp)
bsr Frame_The_Rect
; <<<< Constants >>>>
DoneString dc.b 14,'Done with Help'
.align 2
DoneViewing dc.b 12,'Done viewing'
.align 2
; <<<< Global variables >>>>
WhichControl ds.l 1 ;used by _FindControl
TextHand ds.l 1 ;TE record Handle
ScrollHand ds.l 1 ;Handle of scroll bar
DialogPtr ds.l 1 ;Ptr to Help Dialog
LinesInWind ds 1 ;how many text lines fit in rect
AString ds.b 256 ;Space for a string
ListHandle ds.l 1 ;Handle to list
TheCell ds.l 1 ;Used by the List Mgr
ArrayRect ds.l 2 ;Rows & columns for List Mgr
cellwidth ds.w 1 ;width of cell in list
DataLength ds.w 1 ;Var used by _LGetCell
ItemType ds.l 1 ;Vars used by _GetDItem
ItemHandle ds.l 1 ;Handle of Dialog Item
DispRect ds.l 2 ;Rect of Dialog Item
ResHand ds.l 1 ;Handle of a 'help' resource
ResId ds.w 1 ;Vars used by _GetResInfo ID#
ResType ds.l 1 ;res. type
ResName ds.b 256 ;res. name
ItemNumber ds.w 1 ;Item# returned by _ModalDialog